Shalom Parents and Students!
I want to start this week’s letter with the AMAZING news that almost every student in Jerusalem has received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine!
Sunday started with a conversation with the whole community, then we moved apartments and got to know each other better. We went on a graffiti tour in the Nachlaot neighborhood and learned about the city’s fabulous street art. Through art, we learned more about the political situation in the country and the different opinions held by people in this diverse city. And we ended the day with the first dose of vaccines.
(Pictured at left: Jade Kabatznik and Shoshana Scott)Shalom Parents and Students!
I want to start this week’s letter with the AMAZING news that almost every student in Jerusalem has received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine!
Sunday started with a conversation with the whole community, then we moved apartments and got to know each other better. We went on a graffiti tour in the Nachlaot neighborhood and learned about the city’s fabulous street art. Through art, we learned more about the political situation in the country and the different opinions held by people in this diverse city. And we ended the day with the first dose of vaccines.
(Pictured at left: Jade Kabatznik and Shoshana Scott)

Tuesday we drove north for our first Tiyul (hiking trip). Our first stop was a hike through the waters of the “Nahal HaKibbutzim.” It was hot outside, so everyone enjoyed the refreshing dip in the river to cool us down. Many of the students used floats to float down the river and splash each other. It was another great opportunity to continue getting to know one another.

We had an excellent Faces of Israel class this week, in which Neil Lazarus talked about the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We looked over maps, talked about history, and watched some interesting videos. One video that stood out was a Palestinian propaganda video about rockets. Another video included a debate in which two people had trouble debating with each other because of how differently they saw the West Bank.

Internship in the spotlight-Matt Bloom
It was a really great week with regards to my internship. I finished a mapping of climate venture capital investors, which is a project I have been working on for a while. Additionally, I travelled to Tel Aviv and was able to meet my boss and coworkers in person for the first time after working together remotely for two months.

On Thursday, the students went to an audio-visual show at the Tower of David. After internships and academics, we visited the amazing Tower of David Light Show and saw the history of Jerusalem played out in front of our eyes on the walls of the Old City. It was an exciting and new way to see the history we had learned about all our lives.
Have a great weekend,