Hi! My name is Ellis Lewkowicz. I am 19 years old and from Cleveland, Ohio. I have decided to take the Aardvark Israel Gap Year program for maturity, learning to be independent, learn more about the culture of Israel and also just to go to Israel! Currently, I am living in the neighborhood of Florentine in Tel Aviv. It is really amazing to be in a new environment and feel like an Israeli local at the same time. Throughout these past three weeks, I have found it pretty simple to make my way around the city. However, I am still learning my way around. Google maps has been a really good friend for the first week. There is a lot to do during the day for a fellow Aardvarkian. In the morning we all go to our chosen internships. I chose to volunteer at the Reuth Hospital. There I help patients do physical therapy. I enjoy working there because I love helping the patients get better. I also enjoy hearing their stories that they tell me. Another reason I chose to work at Reuth Hospital is because I want to persue a career in nursing in my future. After internships, we go to our classes. We all are required to take Hebrew ulpan and the History of Zionism. We have the option to take more elective classes too. I am taking Hebrew, History of Zionism, Social Psychology and Service Learning. I really like the classes and the professors are really friendly. I like that the classes are a good size too. After classes end we pretty much have the rest of the day for ourselves. At this time, we buy groceries, do laundry, clean the apartment, go out with friends. The options are pretty much endless and it’s a lot of fun! Our weekends begin Thursday nights. During the weekend, we go out to local places in the neighborhood, go to the beach, visit family, or just to relax at the apartments. There are a ton of great things to do here in Tel Aviv. I have never been here before and I already feel like a local. I love the environment and how friendly many people are here. I am having the most amazing experience and I can’t wait for what’s to come!