gap year in israel

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem December 2, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Students & Parents, Time is flying and this week we reached our three month mark! Three months and the students have learned and experienced so much, and we are so proud of them! Continue reading to read all about their adventures this week! As you probably know, this week is Chanukah and we are […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem April 26, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, Winter has arrived. Again. We began the week with nice warm weather, and then all of a sudden, winter retuned. Thunder, lightning, and a downpour of rain! However, despite the weather, we had a pretty incredible week. Here are some highlights: In our apartment meetings on Sunday evening we spoke about what prayer […]

Luxurious Breakfast Options in Tel Aviv

Hotel montefiore

There will almost certainly be a day or two on your gap year where you wake up a little late and feel like pampering yourself with a truly luxurious breakfast. Luckily, Tel Aviv is packed full of delicious places to eat breakfast or brunch and you can find something to suit every taste. For instance, […]