gap year in israel

Parshat Acharei Mot-Kedoshim

Yom hazikaron

This week we read the Torah portions of Acharei Mot and Kedoshim. Additionally, we find ourselves in the middle of Sefirat HaOmer; the special countdown, or more accurately count-up, to Shavuot. There is a clear connection between a verse in the portions and the Sefirat HaOmer. Beyond just being the counting between Pesach and Shavuot, […]

Last Day of Pesach Dvar Torah

Last day of pesach dvar torah

The final day of Pesach commemorates the separation of the Reed Sea. It was at this time that the liberation from Egypt was finally complete as Pharaoh and his riders were crushed in the Sea. As a result, many recall the miracle by reciting the song at the sea. When we look at the verses […]

Parashat Shemini

Parashat shemini

The Baal Shem Tov was once traveling with some of his disciples. They decided to stop at an inn for a meal. Immediately upon arrival the students went to inquire about the shochet (ritual slaughterer). They inspected his knife and began questioning him on his knowledge of kashrut and Jewish law. They returned to the […]

Pesach Dvar Torah

Pesach dvar torah

During Napoleon’s invasion of Russia, a group of his highly trained soldiers got stuck in a snowstorm and had to spend the night in the home of a pious Jew. Although Napoleon’s cavalry was the best of their kind, the heavy winter snow would not allow them to journey on any further. As they were […]

Parshat Vayikra

Parshat vayikra

In this week’s Torah portion, we read of the many sacrifices that G-d commanded the Jewish people to offer in the Holy Temple. One might ask, what need does He have for these offerings? Does the Almighty feed on animals? We can see G-d’s response to this preposterous claim in psalm 50 where G-d states […]

Parashat HaChodesh

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

In addition to the weekly Torah reading, this Shabbat we read Parshat HaChodesh. In it, we recount the first commandment given to the nation of Israel; the sanctification of the new moon. Even before the exodus and the giving of the Torah, G-d commanded the nation to pay attention to the first appearance of the […]

Parshat Ki Tisa

Parshat ki tisa

This week we read the Torah portion of Ki Tisa. Prior to Moses’ ascent to Mount Sinai, he told the nation that he would be gone for forty days. Unfortunately, there was a rather significant misunderstanding. The Jewish people were uncertain when the count should begin. Does that day count as day one or does […]

Purim Dvar Torah

Parashat tetzaveh

This coming week we celebrate the festival of Purim. 2,500 years ago, while exiled and living under the rule of the Persian Empire, a cruel anti-Semite named Haman rose to a position of power. With his newfound power, he attempted to genocide the entire Jewish population. From the brink of imminent destruction, the tables were […]

Parshat Terumah

Parshat terumah

This week we read the Torah portion of Terumah. Following the epic Giving of the Torah, the Children of Israel were commanded to construct the Tabernacle. By following the instructions and building the Tabernacle according to G-d’s specifications, G-d promises, vshachanti b’tocham – “I will dwell in them.” There seems to be an obvious error […]

Parshat Mishpatim

Parshat mishpatim

This week we read the Torah portion of Mishpatim. Following the giving of the Ten Commandments in last week’s portion, the Torah proceeds to explain many monetary laws. One law deals with the Jewish slave. The Torah states, “Should you buy a Hebrew slave, he shall work [for] six years, and in the seventh [year], […]