gap year in israel

Opening Speech By Nitzan

Opening ceremony

Hi, I’m Nitzan, you might know me as the girl who got stuck in the Aardvark elevator for an hour and a half. But never mind that I was a proud citizen of the Ofek community last semester and now an equally proud Eitan community member. Meaning I am an honorary Tel Avivian for a […]

Every Ending Brings a New Dawn

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Shalom Parents, Students, and Partners, As we wrap up another remarkable semester, our hearts are full of pride and gratitude. December has been a month of profound experiences, meaningful connections, and incredible growth for our students. From the vibrant streets of Tel Aviv to the ancient stones of Jerusalem, our participants have embraced every opportunity […]

A Week with Eitan Community : History, Art, and Farewells

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

This week with the Eitan community was filled with discovery, culture, and meaningful connections. We began on Sunday with Aviv and Eden sharing their presentations as part of the morning community time, setting the stage for an exciting week. On Monday, the students explored Florentine’s vibrant graffiti scene as part of the “Face of Israel” […]

Exploring History and Celebrating Hanukkah With Barak Community

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

As the semester edges closer to its end, the Barak community is making the most of every moment. Week 16 brought a mix of hands-on learning, historical exploration, and festive celebrations that kept the students engaged and inspired. The week began on Sunday with a return to routine after the weekend. Students participated in Community […]

Weekly Highlights from the Ofek Community

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

As the semester draws to a close, the Ofek community continues to make the most of every moment. This week was packed with cultural exploration, community bonding, and exciting adventures that deepened their connection to Israel. The week began on Sunday with Community Time, internships, and mini-courses, followed by apartment cleaning and evening peulot (Activities) […]

My Jerusalem Experience by Adin

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Howdy y’all, My name is Adin. I’m originally from Maryland, and I’m writing about the Barrak community (year long Jerusalem community) and my time in Israel. I can’t quite put into words how my time in Israel and this community has had an enduringly positive impact on my life, but I’ll try. I think I’m […]

Kibbutz, Tech, and Beyond with Aardvark Israel

The aardvark israel staff at the kasuy sand dunes!

Shalom Parents, Students, and Partners, As the holiday season has passed here in Israel, we’re excited to share all the wonderful things that have happened over the past month! Celebrating the Holidays During Chagei Tishrei, our students had the chance to fully immerse themselves in the festive Israeli atmosphere. Some students spent quality time with […]

From Spain to Sderot

Combined tiyul_ connecting the communities2

Shalom Parents, Students, and Partners,    September and the beginning of October have been exciting and meaningful for our students, filled with celebrations, professional growth, and unforgettable experiences. As we kick off a new year and embrace the changing seasons, we’re thrilled to share what our communities have been up to. Read on to see […]

Sukkot: Unity, Tradition, and the Aardvark Israel Experience

Chag sukkot sameach!

Sukkot is a time when we celebrate not only the harvest but also the deeper connections between people, traditions, and the land of Israel. The holiday’s rituals and symbols, like the Arbaat Haminim (four species), remind us of the unity and diversity of the Jewish people—an idea that resonates deeply with the experiences of Aardvark […]

Rosh Hashanah by Meital Dyett

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Rosh Hashanah is a time of reflection, celebration, and hope for a sweet new year. It has reminded me of celebrating with my family and friends over the years in England.In England, my Rosh Hashanah was always a whirlwind of activity, lasting two days, with the busiest day always being the first. We’d begin the […]