Dear Parents
I want to wish everyone happy holiday
Unfortunately I broke my leg so the weekly email is bit delayed
Here are some of our experiences from last week:
Last week we had to say goodbye to the military track. Once the students come back from the pessach break, some of the students are heading off to Sde Boker to do Marva. To send the students off properly, we went to eat lunch in the best restaurant in Jerusalem called Azura. We gave the students some tips for the army and sent them off. We wish them lots of luck
On Monday, we took the group on a Tiyul in Ramat Hagolan.
We started our trip walking The Mount Gilboa track (Hebrew: הר הגלבוע ), sometimes called the Mountains of Gelboe, is a mountain range overlooking the Jezreel Valley in northern Israel. The meaning of the name Gilboa is boiling springs; bubbling fountains; agitated pools; water bursting from the rock, which makes it similar to the Arabic name “Jebel Faqqua
Maybe others lunch I went to the spring calld Ein Moda located in the Beit She’an Valley
The students had a great time splash in the water and cool off from the hot weather we have in Israel now days/
By evening time, after a satisfying dinner, the staff organized the traditional Talent show which we do every year in the final Tiyul. The students were pretty amazing! Some of them showed some actual talents, some prepared an actual show or a dance! Kerrigan Esses and Lior Bezakein prepared a beautiful hip hop dance, Shaine and Miranda won as the best pair in the program, Staci Pinkowitz read a poem that gave us all goosebumps, Adam Poisner read his second poem on Aardvark, Ian Korenfeld, Gil Cohen and Jonah Dafilio amazed everyone with their special talents of switching fingers from hand to hand and jumping under their own hands etc. There were many more talents which you can see in the pictures (Because of lighting our pictures are not that great, I wanted to upload them anyhow so you can see your children performing).
The winning “Talent” is Ian Korenfeld’s and Jordan Stanton’s movie which had the help of Jonah Dafilio and Alan Knaani.
On Tuesday we continued our journey north of the country- We went the route of Tel Dan, Dan, is a city mentioned in the Bible, described as the northernmost city of the Kingdom of Israel, belonging to the Tribe of Dan.
Wednesday was dedicated to cleaning the apartments for Passover – it is a huge thing in Israel, everyone cleaning their places for weeks. The Municipality adds more days of cleaning services and trash trucks in order to get ahold of all the garbage that gathers in the streets.
So the students did a lot of cleaning with the assistance of their Madrichim – I wish I could show you their cleaning enthusiasm (at least in most of them!).
That will be all for now
Shavua Tov and Chag Sameah,