gap year in israel

I’m Shoham Korzia, from Johannesburg, South Africa. After graduating from Torah Academy in 2022, I made the exciting decision to take a gap year before starting university. I discovered Aardvark Israel, which offered me a unique chance to experience independent life in Israel while learning to code and connecting with incredible people from all over the world.

During my time with Aardvark’s Tech Track from January to May, I not only gained valuable coding skills but also formed lifelong friendships and immersed myself in the vibrant Israeli culture and lifestyle.

Aardvark has had a profound impact on my personal growth and understanding of different cultures. I am currently working on a summer camp in America as a part of the Semester Plus program.

I’m truly grateful for the opportunity to share how Aardvark has shaped me and allowed me to make unforgettable memories.

Shoham korzia