gap year in israel

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Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv March 1, 2018

Shalom and Happy Purim! It has been an amazing, exciting and happy week here at Aardvark Tel Aviv, and while we are a bit busy celebrating, I would love to tell you about some of this week’s highlights. On Sunday the students filmed parts of the megillah for our Purim ...
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Unusual Weather in Israel

When you think about Israel’s weather you probably think of nice warm, or very hot, days in the sun. Those who have been in winter, particularly to Jerusalem, will know that the country is in fact often cold and snow is not unusual. However, sometimes the weather goes a bit ...
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Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Israel’s Endangered Species

Israel is home to an amazing array of wildlife, from the coral reef in Eilat to the plants and animals of the desert and the Galilee. Unfortunately, like everywhere else in the world, there are a number of species of plants and animals that are on the endangered list and ...
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Student of the year - heidi david

Student of the Year – Heidi David

Hi y’all! I’m Heidi David from Atlanta, Georgia. I loved last semester in Jerusalem and now I’m loving life in Tel Aviv! I went to public school all of my life, so going on a gap year in Israel was a surprise to most of my peers, but it has ...
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Student of the year - heidi david

Student of the Year – Heidi David

Hi y’all! I’m Heidi David from Atlanta, Georgia. I loved last semester in Jerusalem and now I’m loving life in Tel Aviv! I went to public school all of my life, so going on a gap year in Israel was a surprise to most of my peers, but it has ...
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Weekly Updates – Jerusalem February 23, 2018

Dear parents, Here are our weekly highlights from Jerusalem: On Sunday afternoon we held the first culture committee meeting. The culture committee consists of students with ideas and the desire to help their peers make the most of their time in Jerusalem. They help plan activities on weekends and throughout ...
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Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv February 23, 2018

Shalom Parents! Happy Adar! The Jewish sages teach that from the first moment of Adar we increase our measure of happiness. Here at Aardvark, we are definitely lifting our spirits as we prepare for the crazy and joyous holiday of Purim.After a long weekend during which the Ethiopia trip students ...
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Student of the Week – Avi Cohen

Student of the Week – Avi Cohen Hello, my name is Avi and I’m currently having a blast in Aardvark Jerusalem. My road to Aardvark is a little different than most. In 2010, my family and I made Aliya from our home in Potomac, Maryland. This move was a big ...
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Avi cohen - student of the week

Student of the Week – Avi Cohen

Hello, my name is Avi and I’m currently having a blast in Aardvark Jerusalem. My road to Aardvark is a little different than most. In 2010, my family and I made Aliya from our home in Potomac, Maryland. This move was a big change for me, mentally and emotionally. As ...
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Ethiopia 2018

Day 1 After two flights, a few hours of waiting at passport control and almost missing our flight, we all arrived at Gondar safe and sound. As soon as you arrive in the city, you are struck by what a beautiful place it is. Sunday was a day that will ...
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Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv February 16, 2018

Shalom Shalom! What a week it’s been! With what feels like half of our students in Ethiopia, Aardvark Tel Aviv has noticeably downsized. But what we lacked in numbers this week we made up for in spirit and activities. Sunday was a great day of the regular internship program. At ...
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Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv February 9, 2018

Shalom parents! Here are some highlights from the past week: On Sunday the Mind and Body elective kicked off the week with a workshop on cupping glasses used for massages. Later in the day, all the students met with their counselors for their weekly apartment meeting where counselors worked on ...
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Vera - student of the week

Student of the Week – Vera

Greetings. My name is Vera and I’m currently a student on Aardvark. I’m an Orthodox Jewish girl, who was adopted from Russia by American parents. I graduated from Scheck Hillel in Miami, Florida. Before graduation, my parents and I knew that it was an obligation for me to come back ...
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Unicameral national legislature of israel - the knesset

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem February 9, 2018

Dear Parents Here are the highlights from our week, In Sunday’s apartment meeting, our madrichim brought us different scenarios and questions to answer. They helped us address different world dilemmas and more local apartment issues. We really enjoy our Sunday apartment meetings because it is time we get to spend ...
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Student of the Week – Emma Segal

Hey everyone, hope you are all doing well! My name is Emma Segal and I am from San Diego, California. I stumbled upon Aardvark when college didn’t work out in my favor and I had to choose between staying at home doing community college or going to Israel. So, Masa’s ...
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Weekly Update – Tel Aviv February 2, 2018

Shalom Parents, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Shay-El and I’m the Assistant Director of Aardvark Israel. Since Eyal is on leave, in him place I’m honored to share the highlights from the past week: Last Shabbat, the Selah group had its first Shabbaton of the ...
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Tu b’shvat - planted trees

Weekly Update – Jerusalem February 2, 2018

Dear Parents, Here are the highlights from our week: Our Sunday, at the apartment meeting with our madrichim we got into the Tu B’Shvat spirit (the trees’ birthday) by growing our own grass heads. Our counselors brought each one of us a head and on the head we wrote the ...
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Weekly updates in aardvark israel tel aviv beach

How Tel Aviv Became the White City

One of the great things about Israeli society is that it has developed with influences from all over the world. Israel is largely a country of immigrants and each group of immigrants brought their own influence. If you are spending your gap year in Tel Aviv then you will learn ...
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Israeli flag

Israel’s Flag – A Brief History

Whether you have been to Israel before or not, you are sure to be familiar Israel’s flag, a blue Star of David in between two horizontal blue stripes. It has been the country’s flag since October 28, 1948, five months after the establishment of the state but the flag was ...
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Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem January 25, 2018

January 25, 2018 Jerusalem  Weekly Updates  Dear parents, Here are this week’s highlights: On Sunday night our madrichim prepared mason jars filled with questions. Each student had to pick a question out of the jar and answer it. There were questions such as, ‘What skill would you like to master?’, ‘What ...
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