gap year in israel

Hi! My name is Adrian and I grew up in Bolivia.

I chose Aardvark because of the focus it puts on individuality, independence, and work experience. As I near the end of my journey here, I feel confident that I have made the right choice for me. I’ve made incredible friends from all across the world, had a chance to explore the history of my ancestors, and interned at some amazing places that gave me the chance to leave my mark on the world. I’ll also never forget those late nights at the shuk, or life on a kibbutz, or the hikes through the Negev, or even the simple movie nights we would host at our apartment.

Despite the difficulties, I will always be grateful to have had the chance to truly experience a life that is so foreign from the ones I’ve lived before and for the opportunities I have had to grow into a more well-rounded human being. And if nothing else, this year has been incredibly memorable.

Fun fact: I can go almost 8 minutes without blinking, so I’ve never lost an eye-staring contest.
