gap year in israel

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My name is Noa El Bez, from Geneva, Switzerland. I recently graduated from the International School of Geneva. Instead of rushing into college, I chose to do a gap year to know more about who I am. What are my strengths and my weaknesses? My decision to join Aardvark Israel was to connect with my Jewish heritage, immerse myself in a vibrant culture, and contribute to meaningful projects. During my gap year, I am doing an internship with a non-profit organization in Tel Aviv, where I am actively involved in company development projects and social networks like Instagram and Twitter.

A fun fact about me is that on the first day of Aardvark, at volleyball, I was asked if I was Israeli because apparently my first name and appearance made people think I was.

After this enriching gap year experience, I plan to go to university in Geneva but I’m still hesitant about the subjects I want to study, whether it’s International Relations or Law and who knows, maybe something else?

Noa el bez