gap year in israel

Jerusalem Weekly – November 26th

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

This week, my Israeli politics class went to the President’s Residence! We were able to see “The room where it happens,” as our teacher kept saying, which was filled with so many different aspects of Israeli life and culture. We learned about the president’s role here in Israel, and how throughout history it has been […]

Weekly Update – Tel Aviv January 24, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents: Another busy week has come to an end here at Aardvark Tel-Aviv and over it our students have been slowly settling into our program’s daily routine. Here are some of the highlights from the week: On Sunday, our students began their internships and volunteer activities. In addition, a group of about 10 students went […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv December 6, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents: This week was a special week because we celebrated Hanukkah which brought with it light and family values into our program. On Sunday evening- our Madrichim organized an activity including lighting the candles in our Moadon for everyone. In the activity, the Madrichim made a fun quiz “Kahoot” about Hanukkah and its traditions. The […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv November 15, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, The days are getting colder here, and we finally had some rain on Aardvark Tel Aviv. We had a great week full of activities and I would like to tell you about some of what we have been doing. On Sunday, the sea sport took part in a volleyball game on the beach with […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv October 4, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents, The holidays have ended and here at Aardvark Tel-Aviv we have finally returned to our normal routine with a fantastic week full of activities. Today Eyal is attending a family wedding and we send best wishes from all of us, therefore, in his place I am happy to tell you some of the […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv September 28, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, We are approaching the end of yet another short but fun and eventful week. In a few days, when the holiday season is over, we will finally settle into our regular routine complete with new challenges and opportunities for our students. We are pleased to announce that we will be launching our new […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv September 21, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, Gmar Chatima Tova Another special week has passed here on Aardvark Tel Aviv. As you know, we paused our week for Yom Kippur which was last Tuesday and Wednesday, and then returned for one day of our normal routine before the holiday of Sukkot begins. We use this special holiday season as an […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv September 6, 2018

Dear parents, It has been an amazing week. We have had a great time traveling and running fun activities with your children and now I’m excited to tell you about the week’s highlights. Here we go: On Sunday, the students had interesting lectures and workshops on internships, volunteering, and Israeli culture, later in the day […]

Jerusalem Weekly Letter and Lehitraot

Shalom Parents! The Aardvark Spring Semester has officially come to an end. It is bittersweet for all of us. It has been a wonderful year, but it is sad to see the students leave. Luckily, we still have a few more weeks with our Plus Program students before they head off to work as counselors […]

Tel Aviv Weekly Letter and Lehitraot

Dear parents, The Aardvark Tel Aviv spring semester has reached its end. Yesterday most of the students flew home, others went to visit their families or for a short vacation before making Aliya to Israel, and some went to Jerusalem to prepare for the plus program as Madrichim in summer camps in the USA. It […]