Student of the Week – Dani Starr
Hi there! My name is Dani Starr and I’m from San Diego, California. I have spent the past four months in Jerusalem, and I have loved every moment! Next fall, I will be attending Roosevelt University’s Chicago College of the Performing Arts, studying for a BFA in Musical Theatre with a minor in Integrated Marketing […]
Jewish Growth & Self Discovery
Jewish Growth & Self Discovery We provide an open and warm environment and a framework of activities and experiences that are supportive of participants’ religious growth no matter what their background is. We are open-minded yet deeply committed to Jewish tradition. Our special combination of workshops, classes, outings and activities allow our students to learn […]
What Is Selah?
What is Selah? The Selah Track is geared to give high school graduates an added Jewish dimension to their Aardvark Israel Gap Year experience. Some people want to explore their Jewish values and practices or wish to grow spiritually and to increase their Jewish knowledge, but they cannot find the proper environment to do that. […]
Selah: Aardvark’s Jewish Identity Track For Post-High School Graduates
Selah: Aardvark’s Jewish Identity Track For Post-High School Graduates Have you ever stopped to ask what Judaism actually means to you? Are you looking to become more committed to your Jewish self? Do you want to find meaning in your Judaism? Do you want to do all this but at your own pace and in […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem October 30, 2016
Dear Parents, I hope your week was as eventful and as much fun as ours! The biggest highlight of our week was our annual 3-day Ketura Seminar. On Tuesday morning, bright and early at 6:00 am, we departed for Kibbutz Ketura which is located in southern Israel in the Arava desert, about 30 min north […]
Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv October 28, 2016
Shalom Parents! It is great to be back again I hope your holidays were relaxing and meaningful. Here are some of are highlights for the week – things were over the top here and there is plenty I want to share so make sure you are sitting comfortable. Simhat Torah is one of the most happiest holidays […]