gap year in israel

The First Week from Mya Levin, Los Angeles

First week from mya levin

from Mya Levin, Los Angeles Having officially passed the first week on Aardvark Israel, I can assure you I am more than alive and well. I chose Aardvark hoping to tackle a journey to fill a personal void. I expected to keep to myself, get through my classes and grow on my own. And if […]

Italy 2018

Day 1 Dear Parents, Hello from Italy! For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Eyal and I’m the community manager from Aardvark Tel Aviv. I’m leading the Italy trip along with Dorin, an amazing Madricha from Jerusalem. We’ve just finished our first day in Italy. We arrived in Venice at around […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv May 3, 2018

Dear parents, It has been another full week packed with activities here on Aardvark Tel Aviv. Here are some of the highlights: On Sunday the Madrichim ran activities with their apartments. In the activity, the students were asked to start thinking about a little project that they would like to do for the closing ceremony of […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem April 26, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, Winter has arrived. Again. We began the week with nice warm weather, and then all of a sudden, winter retuned. Thunder, lightning, and a downpour of rain! However, despite the weather, we had a pretty incredible week. Here are some highlights: In our apartment meetings on Sunday evening we spoke about what prayer […]

Nepal 2018

Nepal 2018 -day 1

Day 1 Shalom to everyone! It already feels like we have been here for about 3 days but the first day of our Nepal Cultural Exchange has finally ended! We started yesterday at 6pm (Israel time), with a pretty easy check-in at Ben Gurion airport. The students had so much time to spare that they […]

Ethiopia 2018


Day 1 After two flights, a few hours of waiting at passport control and almost missing our flight, we all arrived at Gondar safe and sound. As soon as you arrive in the city, you are struck by what a beautiful place it is. Sunday was a day that will live in your children’s memories […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv April 20, 2017

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents! The students just came back from their Pesach holiday. Many of the students made use of platforms we offered and many of the opportunities that Israel has to offer in the spring! Alex Maybloom for example spent some time in the beautiful desert:“Over the Pesach holiday I went to stay in a place called […]