gap year in israel

Czech Republic 2017

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, We just got back to the hotel after another incredible day! Charlie and I are enjoying spending time with your children and seeing the excitement on their faces at every turn. We can hardly believe how much we’ve been able to pack into the first two days! Yesterday, our trip began bright and […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem March 2, 2017

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents Well, we’ve had another full week at Aardvark! On Monday morning we left Jerusalem and headed to the Negev desert.Our 2-day excursion to explore the dream of modern Jewish pioneers in the southern region of Israel began with an overview of Be’er Sheva, the largest city in the Negev. Looking out over the desert […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem February 19, 2017

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, On Sunday the students continued with their volunteer work. One of the places that they can volunteer is the Gan HaShikumi for children with disabilities. Three of the students volunteer there, Ellis Lewkowicz, Tammy Davidoff and Molly Cooke. Ellis wrote the following about the work: “I like going every day, seeing the kids […]

Prague 2014

Prague 2014 gap year program

Day 1 Hello from Prague, We arrived to Prague safe and sound! Even though we didn’t get much sleep at night as the flight left Ben Gurion Airport at 5:20 in the morning, we dropped our bags in our great new rooms and quickly left to explore the city. We started our day with a […]

Czech Republic 2013

Gap year program in israel visiting czech republic

As they arrived at Ben Gurion Airport, before they even checked in their luggage, the group was interrogated by security (don’t be alarmed, Israel is known for tight security). The security officer in charge asked lots of questions about everyone and even left to speak to her supervisor. Admittedly, it was a little bit intense, […]