gap year in israel

Falling in Love with Israel

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

A Journey Through the Land of Diversity  Israel, a land of remarkable diversity and rich history, captivates the hearts of those who visit. From its stunning landscapes to its vibrant cultures, Israel offers a unique blend of experiences that make it a destination like no other. This post takes you on a journey through the […]

How to Make the Most of Your Internship

Internship blogpost

So, you’ve kicked off your internship, but feeling like you’re not quite hitting your stride? Don’t sweat it! Anna and Zach have your back with some tips on how to thrive during your internship. Set Clear Goals! Take a moment to envision what you hope to gain from this experience. Whether it’s acquiring new skills, […]

My semester in Israel – Simon Lagrange

My semester in israel - simon lagrange

My name is Simon Lagrange, I’m from San Diego, California, and I completed a semester of the Masa Year of Service program as a volunteer at Ichilov Hospital in central Tel Aviv. Before arriving in Israel, I felt a bit lost in my life. After just graduating high school, I truly wasn’t certain about what […]

My Semester in Israel – Gabriella Ben Zvy

My semester in israel - gabriella ben zvy

It really is so bittersweet being here with everyone for one last time before we all go our separate ways. Now that we’re at the end, I feel like it’s only fitting to start from the beginning. Before Aardvark, I had only ever been here to visit family, my mom dragged my brother and me […]

Our Year in Israel – Leeyam Ohayon and Lily Waldman

Our year in israel - leeyam ohayon and lily waldman

When I think of Aardvark, I don’t think of how Faces of Israel shaped our perception and understanding of the country, or how Fun Nights built our communities, or how Tuesday Tiyuls let us experience the entire length of Israel. When I think of Aardvark, I think of people. I think of roommates, madrichim, communities, […]

My Gap Year in Israel – Ella Duvdevani

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

WHAT. A. YEAR. it has been. Before I came to the program, my life was perfectly stable; I had a job, I was always with my friends, and my family was always around to support me. One thing that I knew is that I felt a strong connection to Israel. I grew up coming here, […]

My semester in Israel – Mimi Baron

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On January 9, at 7:00 pm this year, I was in the car driving with my family to Sydney International Airport, about to board flight EY455. There were laughs, there were tears and there were the final selfies with the ‘departures sign’. “We will miss you Mimi”, my family said. Then, as I stacked my […]

Student of the Week – Gabriella Ben Zvy

Gabriella ben zvy

My name is Gabriella Ben-Zvy, I’m from Rockland County, New York. I graduated from Clarkstown Senior North High School during COVID in 2020 and I got accepted to the honors program at Rockland Community College where I graduated last May! I chose to go on a gap year because I realized while in school that […]

International Trip to Poland – Matt Siegel

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

My experience in Poland was a deeply emotional and profound one, as it allowed me to bear witness to the sites where my ancestors were tortured, suffered, and murdered. In addition, the trip was crucial in strengthening my connection to my Jewish identity and love for Israel, which are significant components of my personal beliefs. […]