gap year in israel

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv February 21, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents Shalom Parents! Happy Adar! The Jewish sages say that from the moment Adar begins we increase in our measure of happiness. Here at Aardvark, we’re definitely lifting up the spirits as we prepare for the crazy and joyous holiday of Purim. After a long weekend during which the Ethiopia trip students relaxed and […]

Alumni of the Month – Danielle Williams

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

My name is Danielle Williams, I was born and raised in the suburbs of Philadelphia, PA, and I went on the Aardvark Gap Year Program from 2015-2016. The overwhelming amount of personal growth and meaningful, eye-opening experiences that I had while on the program are extremely difficult to summarize, however there are three prominent aspects […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv April 16, 2018


Dear Parents, I would like to share some of what we have been doing this past week. On Sunday the counselors met with their students for the weekly apartment meetings and an activity. They spoke about the coming weeks in Israel, which include Yom HaShoah to remember the Holocaust, Yom HaZikaron to remember Israel’s fallen […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem February 23, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear parents, Here are our weekly highlights from Jerusalem: On Sunday afternoon we held the first culture committee meeting. The culture committee consists of students with ideas and the desire to help their peers make the most of their time in Jerusalem. They help plan activities on weekends and throughout the semester. We are excited […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv February 23, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents! Happy Adar! The Jewish sages teach that from the first moment of Adar we increase our measure of happiness. Here at Aardvark, we are definitely lifting our spirits as we prepare for the crazy and joyous holiday of Purim.After a long weekend during which the Ethiopia trip students relaxed and got over the […]

Weekly Update – Tel Aviv February 2, 2018

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Shay-El and I’m the Assistant Director of Aardvark Israel. Since Eyal is on leave, in him place I’m honored to share the highlights from the past week: Last Shabbat, the Selah group had its first Shabbaton of the semester. We went to a […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem January 19, 2018

Bowling with aardvark jerusalem

Dear parents, As you have probably gathered from your children and the schedule, we are transitioning to a weekly routine following an intensive orientation period. The students are starting to understand the framework we created for them, when to fit in activities like the gym, how to organize themselves so as to arrive at class […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem November 17, 2017

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents, I hope this email finds you well. Natali is on leave so in her place I’m honored to share the highlights from this week: At the weekly apartment meeting (on Sunday) the staff prepared a program where the students were given a taste of Ethiopian culture as they learned about the holiday of […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv April 20, 2017

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents! The students just came back from their Pesach holiday. Many of the students made use of platforms we offered and many of the opportunities that Israel has to offer in the spring! Alex Maybloom for example spent some time in the beautiful desert:“Over the Pesach holiday I went to stay in a place called […]