We have previously written about some of the famous people with streets named after them in Israel. However, there are so many of them, that we thought it was worth returning to. That way, when you are exploring the city streets on your gap year, you will be able to impress your friends with your knowledge.
Perhaps the most famous street in Israel is Rothschild Boulevard in Tel Aviv, named after Baron Edmond Benjamin James de Rothschild. He was a huge supporter of the Zionist cause and donated considerable land and money to Jews in Israel before the foundation of the state. His influence can be felt across the land and there is no doubt that the country is hugely indebted to him.
Equally famous is Theodor Herzl, who many credit with being the founder of modern Zionism. It was Herzl who first envisioned a city in Israel called Tel Aviv. As such, it is no surprise that there are numerous streets named after him and Herzl Street in Tel Aviv is home to several historical buildings, such as Shalom Tower (Israel’s first skyscraper) and Tel Aviv’s first shopping centre.
Another famous Tel Aviv street is Dizengoff, named after the city’s first mayor, Meir Dizengoff. The street is home to many of Tel Aviv’s most famous landmarks and it is so popular that there is even a slang word “l’hizdangef”, which means “to walk down Dizengoff”. Recently the Dizengoff Circle has undergone extensive renovation, restoring the street to its former glory and cementing its place as one of the city’s major attractions.
You are also highly likely to come across Bograshov Street, named after Haim Boger, who was elected in 1921 to serve as a representative to the Tel Aviv City Council and the Assembly of Representatives. He helped to setup Herzliya Hebrew High School and he also established the Nordic district in Tel Aviv for homeless people. Following the creation of a street in his name, Bograshov Hebraicised his surname to Bogar.
Those interested in poetry will likely have heard of Haim Nahman Bialik, who become known as Israel’s national poet and has been immortalised through several streets (in addition to his work). Bialik immigrated to Israel from the Ukraine, via Germany, in 1924. He wrote poetry primarily in Hebrew, but also in Yiddish. Bialik Street in Tel Aviv is home to the poet’s house, containing his library with books, articles, letters and paintings, and it is well worth visiting.
If you are in Tel Aviv for your gap year then at some point you are sure to visit Sheinkin Street. This street (and all the other Sheinkin Streets in Israel) was named after Menahem Sheinkin who helped to found Tel Aviv in 1909. Sheinkin was a supporter of integrating artisans as pioneers and he was one of the most prominent Zionists of his time.
There are many more street names in Israel worth exploring, such as Ben Gurion, Haviva Reik, and Leah Goldberg. If you find yourself with a few minutes to spare, look up some of these historical figures as each provides a fascinating insight into different aspects of Israel’s history.