If you are considering coming to Israel for a gap year here is how you should prepare for the winter.
Winter in Israel is a cold and rainy season. The average temperature is around 14 degrees Celsius. It rains quite often and the snow is rare, but it does happen sometimes.
Israel is a small country, but it has many different climates because of its location on the Mediterranean Sea and its elevation from sea level to the top of Mount Hermon (2,814 meters).
This is the time of year when the weather in Israel changes dramatically. One day you can wake up to a hot summer day and the next morning be greeted with rain.
Israel is a country that has extremes in temperature. Winter starts in November and ends in March, while summer lasts from May until October. The coldest months are December and January, while June is usually the hottest month of the year.
Winter in Israel is quite a unique experience. It can be cold, rainy and snowy. And then it can be hot and sunny. The weather changes all the time, so it is important to always have the right clothes on hand.
Israelis are well accustomed to the weather’s unpredictability and they live by the phrase “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothes.”