gap year in israel
Hi y’all, I am Abby Seidel from Atlanta, Georgia. I have gone to Israel before, I knew that returning to Israel was something that I wanted, if not needed, to do after I graduated high school. I had no idea what to expect with Aardvark but I am so beyond lucky that this is the path I decided to take for this year of my life.

Last semester I volunteered at the Lone Soldier Center, which is an organization that helps lone soldiers (soldiers in the IDF who are not Israeli), one of the most unique aspects of the IDF, with adjusting to life in Israel. Now, in Tel Aviv, I volunteer at an Israeli ceramics and art center.

One of the highlights of my experience this year, if not my whole life, was traveling to Ethiopia with Aardvark. It was one of the most transformative, eye-opening, and beautiful places that I have ever visited. Being able to view new parts of the world, connect with Jews living a life so incredibly different from my own, and gain a new sense

of appreciation and understanding for the life that I live and the country in which I currently live in. This was one of the most indescribable things that I have ever been privileged to experience. I am so grateful to Aardvark in that it has shown me what it’s really like to live as an adult in Israel, so much so, that I’ve decided to stay for college and work toward making Aaliya.
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael