Weekly Updates – Jerusalem August 28, 2017

Dear Parents, We are having an exciting and interesting first day here at Aardvark Jerusalem! The students arrived safe and sound. Our building is abuzz with students getting to know each other. They have had time to unpack and rest, and we treated them to falafel and shawarma for lunch. Tonight, after our opening dinner, […]
New York 2017

Day 1 Dear Parents, Shalom from New York City!!! After arriving at JFK airport, we began our day in the United States with a Breakfast of Champions at Dunkin Donuts. In Israel we think that we have the market cornered on sufganiyuot, but let me tell you, we may be wrong about that. In case […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem April 27, 2017

Dear Parents, Here are some of this week’s highlights: On Sunday, the Jerusalem and Tel Aviv students were honored to attend a Masa event to mark Yom Hashoah. The first part of the day took place at the education center on Har Herzl. Yad V’shem ran workshops for us and we heard the incredible story […]
Student of the Week – Ricky Studencki

G’day, my name is Ricky Studencki, I’m 19 years old and I come from Sydney, Australia. I decided to take a gap year because I wanted to travel and meet people from different countries instead of rushing into university. Aardvark Israel was more appealing than other programs because it offers internships in start-ups, opportunities to […]
Student of the Week – Aaron Sistare

My name is Aaron Sistare. I am from Greensboro, North Carolina. I decided to join the Aardvark Israel Gap Year Program so that I would be more mature, responsible, and independent for my near future in university and later in life. Even though I am not very religious, I love living in Israel, both Tel-Aviv […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem March 30, 2017

Dear Parents, Here are some of our unforgettable moments from the past week On Sunday, the students continued with their volunteer work. Nikki Schultz works at Stand With Us and wrote the following about the work, “My internship is cool. I work with Stand With Us on Social Media. Basically I have been making graphics for different […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem March 26, 2017

Dear parents, Here are some of the highlights from the past week. On Sunday, we had a talk from the right-wing representative Ishay Flecher who talked about right wing politics in Israel. In the talk he spoke about the delicate situation with the Palestinians and the Mitnachalim (settlers), as well as the Jewish population that […]
Israel National Library

The Rejuvenation of Israel’s National Library During your gap year in Jerusalem, you should take the time to visit Jerusalem’s National Library. Not only does it present a fantastic opportunity to delve into the history of the state, but it is also set in some beautiful scenery. Recently a highly ambition plan was revealed for […]
Weekly Update – Tel Aviv March 9, 2017

Shalom Parents, March has arrived together with spring. I am telling you this because at Aardvark we celebrate the arrival of the spring with “Break Out March” You may ask “what exactly is that?” It is a platform we created for the students to help them to take a step forward, leave their comfort zone and do […]
Student of the Week – Alex Maybloom

Hi! My name is Alex Maybloom, I’m 19 years old from Melbourne, Australia. I decided to take a gap year with Aardvark in order to experience the fun side of life after an exhausting final year of school as well as to become a more independent person. After much consideration, I decided to live in […]