gap year in israel

Hi! My name is Alex Maybloom, I’m 19 years old from Melbourne, Australia. I decided to take a gap year with Aardvark in order to experience the fun side of life after an exhausting final year of school as well as to become a more independent person. After much consideration, I decided to live in Tel Aviv as the proximity of the beach and the cool hipster city life appealed to me.

My number one passion is art, so for me it was essential that I would intern somewhere that would offer me the opportunities to use my skills. Currently, I am interning at a company called Animation Cowboy which I am sure you have worked out (by the name) is an animation company. At the moment I am doing a bit of graphic design, creating posters for the company which is something I have a bit of experience from school as I did a design subject. Besides the internship I am doing ulpan which is always fun as my teacher is engaging and hilarious and makes every class enjoyable. I am also doing a business course as it is something I didn’t get to do in school and feel like it is important to get myself educated in this area of life.

I have made many lifelong friends on the program from all around the world which is so cool and refreshing. I get to learn about different cultures which is very interesting due to the diversity of countries and people. Living in Tel Aviv has allowed me to explore the city to the point that I never feel lost and is quickly becoming a second home to me. Overall I am really enjoying my time here and would definitely recommend the program to anyone as it has given me the time to grow as a person and have tonnes of fun and freedom that I didn’t have before.


Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael