Rosh Hashana and Hair Donation
by Yael Schwartz from Rockville, Maryland After growing out my hair for several years, one of the first things I did out of quarantine was get it all chopped off. I’ve donated my hair before, so this wasn’t a new concept. But when you’ve spent so long trying to grow it out, it can be […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem September 8, 2017

Dear Parents & Students, We have finished our second week of the program, and it was AMAZING!!! Sunday began with internships in the morning followed by a session with our Academic Director, Daniel Rose, about academic lessons and the different classes we have to offer at Aardvark. The students then had some free time in […]
Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv March 30, 2017

Shalom Parents, March is almost over, Pesach (Passover) is just around the corner and the group and staff are all extremely busy! Last Sunday, the Madrichim had the feeling that the students needed a little bit of a push for their breakout activities. They met the students in the apartments, turned on some energetic music […]
Student of the Week – Alex Maybloom

Hi! My name is Alex Maybloom, I’m 19 years old from Melbourne, Australia. I decided to take a gap year with Aardvark in order to experience the fun side of life after an exhausting final year of school as well as to become a more independent person. After much consideration, I decided to live in […]
Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv March 2, 2017

Shalom Parents! On Monday morning we left Tel Aviv to head to the Negev desert! We started our day in the city of Be’er Sheva, “the capital of the Negev”. In Be’er Sheva we visited the Palmach monument. Our guide explained the importance of this city to Israel and the Negev in particular. As the day winded […]
Jerusalem – The Centre of Israel’s Vivid Art Scene

You may not be aware of it but Jerusalem is the centre of Israel’s vivid and unique art scene. Various cultural roots influence the city’s artistic life and they combine to create some fascinating artwork. The most obvious place to see art in Jerusalem is the Israel Museum, the country’s main cultural complex located near […]
Israel’s Lesser Known Heritage Sites

During your gap year you will visit a number of well-known sites in Israel as well as some lesser known ones. In addition to the famous sites, such as the Old City in Jerusalem, there are a number of heritage sites that tell some fantastic stories about both ancient and modern Israel. Ranging from the […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem February 5, 2017

Dear Parents, Here are some of our memories from the past week. On Sunday afternoon our coordinator Natali taught us how to Zumba, a type of Spanish dance that helps to release pent up energy. Abi Brenner said it was nice to finally work out a bit and in a fun way as well. Our lovely madrichim bought […]
Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv September 30, 2016

Shalom Parents! Another great week is over and the holidays are just around the corner. If you’ll walk outside, you’ll see that the fall is starting to take his place here. It starting to get cold in the evening, each day is shorter than his previous one, winds dropping leaves on the ground etc. The […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem September 8, 2016

As you probably understand from your children and the schedule, we are building a weekly routine after the intensive orientation we had here. The students are starting to understand the framework we created for them. When is the right time to go to the gym? How do I need to organize my time in order […]