Weekly Updates – Jerusalem March 26, 2017

Dear parents, Here are some of the highlights from the past week. On Sunday, we had a talk from the right-wing representative Ishay Flecher who talked about right wing politics in Israel. In the talk he spoke about the delicate situation with the Palestinians and the Mitnachalim (settlers), as well as the Jewish population that […]
Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv March 23, 2017

Shalom Parents, This week we decided to make some changes. Six students were chosen to replace the madrichim for the entire week. Tali Webber was one of them and she has written a summary of this week’s schedule: “This week started with ‘Changing Hats’ where Noam (Ganz), Uri (Zerejeman), Tess (Bernstein), Noah (Kessler), Sem (Kotek) and myself were selected to act […]
Tel Aviv Neighbourhoods

A Guide to Tel Aviv’s Top Five Neighbourhoods During your gap year in Tel Aviv you’ll have plenty of time to explore the city and discover the different styles of the many neighbourhoods. However, to help you get started here is a short guide to some of Tel Aviv’s top neighbourhoods. Levinsky Market This is […]
Student of the Week – Alex Maybloom

Hi! My name is Alex Maybloom, I’m 19 years old from Melbourne, Australia. I decided to take a gap year with Aardvark in order to experience the fun side of life after an exhausting final year of school as well as to become a more independent person. After much consideration, I decided to live in […]
Ethiopia 2017

Day 1 Shalom parents, After 2 flights, few hours of waiting in security lines and one missing bag (that came back to us a few hours later – Don’t worry..) I can say that we all arrived safe and sound to Gondar which is an amazing looking city…. Today was a day that will live […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem January 22, 2017

Dear Parents Shalom, Last week was a great week on the Aardvark Jerusalem Program. Starting Monday we had our first day of internships/volunteering. Every year our students choose from a wide variety of places, everything from award winning bakeries to a preschool for children with special needs and this year was no different. Every student […]
Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv December 8, 2016

Dear Parents, Although there is WiFi on most flights these days, Adi entrusted me to send the weekly email in his place. He is currently in the air somewhere over Asia on his way with the Aardvark International trip to China! Having lead this trip in the past, I can tell you they are off […]
Germany 2016

Day 1 The group arrived in Germany this morning safe and sound after an uneventful flight. After heading through passport control they made their way to the tourist Information desk where they picked up unlimited ride transportation tickets – exploring the city like a local will be a part of the experience The hostel we […]
France 2015

Day 1 Our first day in Paris was great! The flight went smoothly and when we arrived to Charles de Gaulle Airport, we were met by a driver who took us to our hotel which is located in the trendy, artsy Montmartre neighborhood. The hotel is named after a famous painter, Andre Gill, whose work […]
Italy 2015

Day 1 The day started for us at 3:30 AM at Ben Gurion Airport. We boarded the flight as scheduled at 5:50 AM and landing in Venice, Italy at 8:45 AM. Upon departing the airport in Venice we hopped onto our private water taxi that took us to the door of our Hotel, Locanda la […]