Ethiopia 2019
On our way! Shalom from Ben Gurion airport!After all the airport arrangements, we are one step from boarding.We all are very excited to start our trip and explore the history and culture of Ethiopia. We will be in touch soon,Shay-El Day 1 Shalom Parents, Today was a day that your children are sure to remember […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem January 31, 2019
Shalom Parents & Students, Another busy week has come to an end here on Aardvark Jerusalem and our students are slowly settling into the program’s daily routine. Now it is my pleasure to tell you about some of the highlights from the past week. On Sunday we began the week we the monthly community talk in […]
The First Weekly Letter – Jerusalem
Dear Parents & Students, It has been an amazing week here on Aardvark Jerusalem. We had a great time meeting your children. Here are the highlights from the week: As you know, the students arrived throughout the day on Monday and they started getting to know one other and the staff. We had lunch across the road […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem December 14, 2018
Dear Parents and Students, This week was absolutely incredible. Not only did we get together with the Tel Aviv group for a fantastic 2-day trip, but we also had the chance to meet some incredible Israelis of our own age. Here are the highlights from this week: On Sunday, we decided to begin the week […]
Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv December 14, 2018
Dear Parents, This last week was a very special week. The excitement that grows towards the end of the semester peeked with our two-day trip to the Galil. In addition to the trip, we had a week full of fun and thought provoking activities that I am happy to tell you all about. On Sunday evening, […]
Spain 2018
We’re on our way… Dear Parents (mine included ), As you’ll see in the attached photo, we are at the airport waiting for our flight. (I think Justin has found the most comfortable place to crash for now – on the golf cart!) We are tired and looking forward to settling into our seats and going […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem September 28, 2018
Dear Parents & Students, Happy Sukkot! The entirety of Jerusalem was dressed in white for the holiday and we enjoyed the celebratory atmosphere. Here are the highlights from this holiday week: For Tuesday afternoon’s trip, we took to students to one of the most beautiful neighborhoods in Jerusalem, Mishkenot Shananim. Mishkanot was the first neighborhood built outside […]
Italy 2018
Day 1 Dear Parents, Hello from Italy! For those of you that don’t know me, my name is Eyal and I’m the community manager from Aardvark Tel Aviv. I’m leading the Italy trip along with Dorin, an amazing Madricha from Jerusalem. We’ve just finished our first day in Italy. We arrived in Venice at around […]
Berlin 2018
Day 1 Hello everyone, Our first day in Berlin has just ended and we are tired but extremely happy. After a long night with very little sleep, we landed in Berlin this morning. We were picked up at the airport, left our bags in the hotel and dove straight into our schedule. After the students […]
Weekly Update – Tel Aviv February 2, 2018
Shalom Parents, I hope this email finds you well. My name is Shay-El and I’m the Assistant Director of Aardvark Israel. Since Eyal is on leave, in him place I’m honored to share the highlights from the past week: Last Shabbat, the Selah group had its first Shabbaton of the semester. We went to a […]