USA Plus Summer Camp
Go to America for camp
- Fly to the USA in mid-June
- Kick-off your trip with a 3-day tour of New York City and a three-day tour of Washington, D.C
- See a Broadway play, tour major monuments and sites, and more!
- Head to camp for one week of orientation and staff training
- Jobs may include teaching sports, arts, nature, swimming, cooking, or other specialty areas, or serving as a bunk counselor (madrich/a)
- Placement will be made based on personal interviews directly with the camp director in November and December
* Final acceptance to the camp portion of the program is contingent on the approval of the camp director. Participants must be 18 years old prior to June to qualify for an American J1 exchange visa.

NJY Camps, Our Partner
The Aardvark Israel Plus Programs are run in partnership with the NJY Camps, one of the United States’ premier Jewish camping organizations, with seven camps clustered at two locations serving children, families, and seniors. The camps draw more than 4,000 campers each summer from numerous communities, primarily in the New York-New Jersey region.
The NJY Camps offers the highest quality overnight camping experience in an environment infused with the richness of Jewish life. With an extraordinary range of comprehensive programming, the NJY Camps offers a welcome place for a broad spectrum of Jewish children—from across various denominations, interests, special needs, and backgrounds.
The NJY Camps seek to help each and every camper develop and grow new skills, greater self-confidence, and a strong Jewish identity and commitment to our heritage that will help shape the course of their lives.