gap year in israel

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Hi my name is Shlomi Efergan from Ocean Pines Maryland and I was on Aardvark Israel 2018-2019. About a year and a half ago I made the best decision of my life. I left the US and started 9 amazing months on Aardvark. I had no clue how much those 9 months would effect my life. I fell in love with the country and decided to make Aliyah which led to my draft in the IDF as a combat soldier. The IDF has truly been a life changing experience. An experience that comes with a lot of ups and a lot of downs. It’s not always easy, but it truly is worth it. The people that I’ve met and the things that I have learned have made my service amazing. Knowing that I get to wake up every day and wear a uniform that hundreds of thousands have worn before me and thousands have died for is the most rewarding feeling in the world. I couldn’t be more proud to serve the country that I love most!

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael