gap year in israel
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

We are having an exciting and interesting first day here at Aardvark Tel Aviv Rothschild Community! Many of the students have arrived safe and sound from the airport, and we look forward to the rest of the arrivals soon!

When the students arrived at their apartments, they were greeted by their Madrich/a (counselor) who let them in the apartment and made sure they are comfortable.

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael
The students began unpacking and getting to know one another in quarantine. Lunch was delivered to the students. After some more unpacking, a special dinner was delivered, and the students had some time to really get to know each other better and settle in for their first night in Aardvark Tel Aviv!
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael
These next 10 days of Quarientation are packed with sessions which will help the students get better acquainted with our program and Israel. Below you can find the schedule for orientation.
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Our Address

If you wish to send your child a letter or a package, please use the office’s address:
(First and last name)
Aardvark Israel
39 Levinsky St.
Tel Aviv, 6610910

Each week, I will send out the schedule for the following week. I will also share with you updates and highlights throughout the semester. We are all looking forward to having a wonderful time with your children and to sharing it with you virtually as well!

Best Regards,