gap year in israel

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv May 5, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, After the spring break ended, our students returned to the program with lots of happy and exciting experiences, trips and stories to share with everyone about their time at home or abroad with family and friends. We, Aardvark Tel-Aviv staff, were all looking forward to seeing our students again and we chose to […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem May 5, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents! We hope everyone had a wonderful Passover holiday! This week in Jerusalem, it was great to hear from all of the students about their adventures and celebrations during the time off. We had a very busy week, with so much going on! This time of year in Israel is always an exciting one […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem April 19, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents and Chag Sameach! Today is the start of Spring Break and all of the students are on the way to celebrate Passover, some at home, some with friends, some are traveling within Israel and some outside of Israel. Last Sunday afternoon, the students met with Charlee, and together created a Positive Post-Its Wall […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv April 19, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents and Chag Sameach! Today is the start of Spring Break and all of the students are on the way to celebrate Passover, some at home, some with friends, some are traveling within Israel and some outside of Israel. Just as I send you every other week, here are some highlights from our past […]

Aardvark Update – April 17, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

April 17, 2019 Aardvark Update  In a few days, it will be Pesach, and our students will be celebrating with family and friends. So, both Jerusalem and Tel Aviv held model Seders. The Ma Nishtana was sung, the story of Passover was told, and the Matzah eaten! Here are just a few photos from both […]

Aardvark Update – April 15, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

April 15, 2019  Aardvark Update  The Selah students took the train to Kfar Chabad, a delightful little village in the center of the country for Lubavitch Hassidim. The village numbers about one thousand families. They were given a guided tour around the main building – a replica of the famous 770 building where the Rebbe […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv April 11, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, This week was a historic week for the state of Israel. On Tuesday, millions of Israeli citizens went out to vote. Here at Aardvark Tel-Aviv, our students took advantage of the election day in different ways. Some walked around the different voting stations to see what it’s like and some enjoyed the fact […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem April 11, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, It has been an amazingly sunny week here on Aardvark Jerusalem and we are all enjoying the nice change from the rainy winter! Let’s take a look at some of this past week’s highlights! On Sunday afternoon, our students went to pay their respects to the family of Zachary (Zechariah) Baumel. Sgt. First […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv April 5, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom dear parents, This week was special due to the upcoming elections next week, during it we focused on important topics such as the security situation and the political storms that are happening at present. Now I would like to tell you all about the week we had. On Sunday evening, after cleaning their apartments, […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem April 5, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, We hope you are all doing well and that those of you who are preparing for Passover are not finding the cleaning too stressful. Remember dust is not chametz! Here are this week’s highlights: Early Sunday morning, Natali flew with some of our students for their trip to Italy! Everyone else had internships […]