Ethiopia 2019
On our way! Shalom from Ben Gurion airport!After all the airport arrangements, we are one step from boarding.We all are very excited to start our trip and explore the history and culture of Ethiopia. We will be in touch soon,Shay-El Day 1 Shalom Parents, Today was a day that your children are sure to remember […]
Berlin 2018
Day 1 Hello everyone, Our first day in Berlin has just ended and we are tired but extremely happy. After a long night with very little sleep, we landed in Berlin this morning. We were picked up at the airport, left our bags in the hotel and dove straight into our schedule. After the students […]
China 2017
Day 1 Dear Parents, The group had an amazing (and exhausting) first day in China. After long queues at Ben Gurion airport and quite a wait to get through security, the group was off and away. The flight was uneventful, which of course means that it was a great flight. Upon arriving in China, everyone […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem November 17, 2017
Shalom Parents, I hope this email finds you well. Natali is on leave so in her place I’m honored to share the highlights from this week: At the weekly apartment meeting (on Sunday) the staff prepared a program where the students were given a taste of Ethiopian culture as they learned about the holiday of […]
Student of the Week – Abby
Hi! My name is Abby Hockstein and I’m from Closter, NJ. After my gap year I will be attending Tulane University in New Orleans. Coming from a school where almost everyone goes straight to college, I never really considered taking a gap year. It was actually my parents (who both took gap years in Israel) […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem November 10, 2017
Shalom Parents! Another great week on Aardvark is drawing to a close, and as always, I have numerous experiences, pictures and stories to share. Once you’ve found a comfortable spot (the couch is preferable) we’ll be ready to start. Last week, on Saturday the 4th, it was the 22nd Memorial Day for Yitzhak Rabin, the Israeli […]
Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv November 3, 2017
Dear Parents. We have had a very special and exciting week full of great activities that were enjoyed by all the students. On Sunday the Sea Sports group had a work out session on the beach. The group decided to focus on the “Sports” part of Sea Sports. The Entrepreneurship group had a workshop with an […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem October 27, 2017
Shalom Parents! We’ve had an exciting week! On Sunday evening we had an activity about Kibbutz life. The activity focused on kibbutz’s values and we asked the students where they could apply these values, such as mutual responsibility, in their daily lives in their apartments. On Monday we had a sushi workshop where we taught the students […]
Weekly Updates – Jerusalem October 11, 2017
Moadim L’Simcha! We began Sunday bright and early attending Birkat Kohanim, The Priestly Blessing or Priestly Benediction, (Hebrew: ברכת כהנים). In rabbinic literature the practice is also known as the raising of the hands (Hebrew Nesiat Kapayim), or Dukhanen (Yiddish from the Hebrew word Dukhan, platform, because the blessing is given from a raised rostrum). […]
Israel’s Ancient Ports
Today in Israel there are a number of major shipping ports where goods are received and sent across the world. However, Israel’s ports are not just essential to modern Israel, in ancient times the country’s ports were vital. Today it is possible to visit a number of these ancient ports and they provide a real […]