gap year in israel

Jerusalem Weekly – March 18, 2021

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents & Students,This week the weather got warmer, and then got colder, and our students are praying that spring comes soon! But despite the crazy changes in weather, one thing stayed the same: we had a productive, educational, and fun week! Here are the highlights: In honor of Pi Day on Sunday, students were […]

Student of the Week – Eytan Fainman

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

My name is Eytan Fainman and I am from Johannesburg South Africa! For most of my life, I have had a desire to one day reside and work in Israel. However, how and when I was going to achieve my longing desire was always unknown. Choosing to spend my spring semester in Tel Aviv was […]

Student of the Week – Shelly Alkaslasi

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Hi, my name is Shelly Alkaslasi and I am from Los Angeles! I am spending my gap semester in Florentin and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. When I return home, I plan to transfer to a UC campus, study Microbiology, and then get my Bachelors of Science in Nursing! When I was 12-years-old, […]

Student of the Week – Benji Abrahams

My name is Benji Abrahams, I’m from Johannesburg, South Africa 🇿🇦 and I am spending the semester in Tel Aviv! Afterwards, I am planning to study Performance Arts at Wits University in Johannesburg. I heard about Aardvark Israel from close friends and people that have already been on the program and I jumped at the […]

Student of the Week – Elizabeth Doty

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Hi, my name is Elizabeth Doty, but everyone calls me “Shea”. I am from Dallas, Texas, and I am currently living in Tel Aviv, embarking on my second semester of Aardvark Israel. I never could have predicted how impactful these past five months were going to be on me when I initially signed up, last […]

Student of the Week – Leah Matthys

Hi everyone! My name is Leah Matthys and I’m from Arroyo Grande, California, a small town on California’s beautiful central coast. I’m currently in my second semester of Aardvark and living in Tel Aviv. Next year I will be going to a small school named Minerva, where I will spend 4 years in 7 different […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv May 5, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Dear Parents, After the spring break ended, our students returned to the program with lots of happy and exciting experiences, trips and stories to share with everyone about their time at home or abroad with family and friends. We, Aardvark Tel-Aviv staff, were all looking forward to seeing our students again and we chose to […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem May 5, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents! We hope everyone had a wonderful Passover holiday! This week in Jerusalem, it was great to hear from all of the students about their adventures and celebrations during the time off. We had a very busy week, with so much going on! This time of year in Israel is always an exciting one […]

Weekly Updates – Jerusalem April 19, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents and Chag Sameach! Today is the start of Spring Break and all of the students are on the way to celebrate Passover, some at home, some with friends, some are traveling within Israel and some outside of Israel. Last Sunday afternoon, the students met with Charlee, and together created a Positive Post-Its Wall […]

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv April 19, 2019

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents and Chag Sameach! Today is the start of Spring Break and all of the students are on the way to celebrate Passover, some at home, some with friends, some are traveling within Israel and some outside of Israel. Just as I send you every other week, here are some highlights from our past […]