Zambia Cultural Exchange
Tikkun Olam - Repairing the World - in Action
What: Delve into the Jewish value of Tikkun Olam, repairing the world, through first-hand experiences and inspiring learning. Gain first-hand experience of what life is like for over 2 billion people in the world who live near or below the poverty line while making a small but significant difference in the lives of the families and villagers you will stay with. Volunteer in a local village, experience a homestay, explore Zambia, and more! Prior to the trip, you will participate in two seminars to prepare for the trip during which you will learn about globalization, poverty, social justice, and human rights. The living conditions in Zambia will be authentic and the cultural exchange will leave you affected for a lifetime.
Why: In Zambia, the rural population is one of the poorest in the entire world. In the agricultural villages, neighbors help each other, protect each other, work in each other’s fields, and celebrate together. This strong sense of community is inspiring and also reminds us of our own traditions. Consider the Jewish teaching, “It is not your duty to finish the work, but neither are you at liberty to neglect it.” Through this lens, we see the world as an unfinished work for which we have an obligation to tend to. Doing our small part in tikkun olam, repairing the world, we will work together with our partners in this special trip, Tevel B’Tzedek, to lend a hand in rural communities while also learning about Jewish ethics and Western privilege.

More International Trips Available

Fall Semester — 5 Days
Today, Barcelona is one of Europe’s most exciting cities. From its wacky architecture to its vibrant sidewalks to great Rabbis and to great tragedies, the region of Catalonia is a great destination for learning about the Spanish Jewish community, which experienced both a Golden Age and a brutal inquisition.

Nepal Cultural Exchange
Spring 2024/Fall 2024 - 2 weeks
“It is spiritually and ethically unacceptable that millions of people in our world don’t have sufficient nutrition, clean water, housing, basic health, or education. This reality can and must be changed.” ~Tevel B’Tzedek, Aardvark’s Israeli partner organization for the Nepal Cultural Exchange program.

United Arab Emirates

Spring Semester — 5 Days
Ethiopia, the only African country to have escaped European colonialism, has retained much of its authentic, ancient cultural identity and is considered by many to be the cradle of humanity. Our trip to Ethiopia will combine history, culture, food, and Zionism.

Spring Semester — 2 weeks

End of Spring Semester — 6 Days
For centuries, the Jewish people had a vibrant religious and cultural life in Poland until the destruction of the community in the Holocaust. This trip will explore that rich history, understand its eventual destruction, and also look at the re-birth of the Jewish community and of Poland itself.

Spring Semester — 5 Days
From art to food to politics, Italy’s impact on the world has been immense. A place of olive oil, pasta, wine, mafia, sunshine, Roman ruins, and Renaissance palaces, and a centuries-old Jewish community, Italy is one place you can never forget!

USA Plus Summer Camp
Spring semester — 2 Months
Combine your experience in Israel with a summer working at an American Jewish Summer Camp (particularly relevant for non-American participants). Start off the trip with six days exploring Washington, D.C. and New York City!