gap year in israel

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Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv September 21, 2018

Dear Parents, Gmar Chatima Tova Another special week has passed here on Aardvark Tel Aviv. As you know, we paused our week for Yom Kippur which was last Tuesday and Wednesday, and then returned for one day of our normal routine before the holiday of Sukkot begins. We use this ...
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Weekly Updates – Jerusalem September 21, 2018

Dear Parents & Students, We have enjoyed another jam-packed week here on Aardvark Jerusalem. Here are some highlights from the week: On Sunday afternoon, at our apartment meetings, we discussed how the organs in our body work together to help us function. We used this as a metaphor for our apartments ...
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Student of the week – Rachel Hasson

Hi, my name is Rachel Hasson and I am from Johannesburg, South Africa. I first came across Aardvark was when Simon (Aardvark) Cohen came to promote the program at my school, King David Victory Park. At first, I was pretty confused as to why they would name a gap year ...
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Weekly Updates – Jerusalem September 14, 2018

Dear Parents & Students, This week may have been short but it was still full of significant events. On Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, we celebrated Rosh Hashanah and our students spent the holiday with friends and family. Solly Sperber said, “It was lovely to spend my first Rosh Hashanah with my family ...
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Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv September 14, 2018

Dear Parents, Shana Tova! As you probably already know, this week was very special here in Israel thanks to the celebration of Rosh Hashanah. All of the students went away for the long weekend and spent the holiday with family, friends, Jewish communities, and some even went to dinner at ...
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Student of the Week – Avi Bendayan

Hi Everyone! My name is Avi Bendayan and I come from Pembroke Pines, Florida. Both of my parents were born in Israel, so while growing up I was always been exposed to Israeli culture. Over the years, have developed my love for the State of Israel and every time that ...
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Weekly Updates – Jerusalem September 6, 2018

Dear Parents & Students, This was our second week of the program, and it was AMAZING!!! We began on Sunday with a session about academic lessons and the different classes we have to offer here on Aardvark. We also had a session about the importance of Internships and Volunteering. The students then ...
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Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv September 6, 2018

Dear parents, It has been an amazing week. We have had a great time traveling and running fun activities with your children and now I’m excited to tell you about the week’s highlights. Here we go: On Sunday, the students had interesting lectures and workshops on internships, volunteering, and Israeli ...
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Weekly Updates – Tel Aviv September 1, 2018

Dear parents, It has been an amazing week. We have had a great time meeting your children and I am excited to tell you all of the highlights from the past week. Here we go: As you know, the students arrived throughout Monday and started to get to know each ...
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Weekly Updates – Jerusalem September 1, 2018

Dear Parents and Students, Our first week in Jerusalem was a busy, eventful and exciting one. Here are some highlights: The week began on Monday with the students arriving, beginning to settle into their new apartments, and meeting their roommates and their madrichim. They have been enjoying getting to know one other ...
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First Day – Aardvark Tel Aviv

Shalom Parents, We had a busy and interesting first day here on Aardvark Tel Aviv! I just wanted to let you know that apart from five students who are scheduled to arrive later tonight and tomorrow, everyone has arrived safe and sound. After an enjoyable welcome dinner and a community ...
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Alumni of the Month – Maya Fried

My name is Maya Fried, and I was born and raised to Israeli parents in Los Angeles. Weird thing is, they never took me to visit the country they called home for half of their lives, and so upon graduating high school I made the trek from the city of ...
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Alumni of the Month – Mark & Lauren Gilbert

We were on the Aardvark program from 2012-2013 and we lived in Jerusalem first and then Tel Aviv. Mark participated in the entrepreneurial program and went on many of the Aardvark-led international trips. After leaving the program, we went on to live in Tacoma, WA and both graduated from the ...
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Welcome to Aardvark Jerusalem!

Dear Parents, We are having an exciting first day here on Aardvark Jerusalem! Except for one last flight scheduled to arrive later tonight, all the students have arrived safe and sound. Our building is abuzz with students getting to know one other. Throughout the day, the students had time to ...
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How Israel Is Tackling the World’s Sugar Consumption

In recent years, it has been widely reported that the world’s sugar consumption is far too high and could have serious health consequences in the near future. Luckily, an Israeli company has found a way to reduce the amount of sugar used in foods, without affecting the taste. DouxMatok, a ...
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Natural History Museum

If you are heading off for your gap year in Israel in or after September 2018 then you are in for a treat. In September 2018, the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History in Tel Aviv will fully open and it is set to be the biggest of its kind in ...
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Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Israel’s Astonishing Contributions to Food Technology

While most of us are fortunate enough to live without having to worry about food, food security is a global issue of increasing importance. As resources are used up, scientists are forever searching for ways to produce food more reliably in all sorts of conditions. This is one area where ...
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Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Beersheva – The South’s Hidden Gem

You don’t hear as much about Beersheva as you do Israel’s other cities, such as Tel Aviv, Jerusalem and Haifa. However, it is a thriving place that deserves far more attention than it gets. The city is packed with interesting things to see and do, and it is well worth ...
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Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Plus Program Visit

Dear Parents, I hope this email finds you well. I would like to share with you my visit to NJY Camps, this past Friday, when I saw our lovely students: Yaeli, Josh, Rachel, Jess, Cayden, Saul, and Adam. All of them are doing great and enjoying the best summer of ...
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Symphony orchestra on stage, hands playing violin

The Israel Philharmonic Orchestra

Classical music is not something that most people would immediately associate with Israel, but the country is in fact home to one of the world’s best orchestras, and a vibrant classical music scene. The country’s leading orchestra, the Israel Philharmonic Orchestra, was founded back in 1936 as the Palestine Orchestra. ...
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