Day One: Hiking Tracks & Workshops
Students were given the option to hike in the Negev at Ein Ovdat, Nachal Mamshit, or Mizad Zin.
“I chose the Ein Ovdat track. We hiked for about two hours, saw a small waterfall, climbed ladders up the cliff of the mountain, and once we got to the top, there was a really pretty view of the mountains.” -Ahuva, current student at Tikva Community

While one of the groups was busy with exploring the beautiful traditional Moroccan art, our other group visited “ABAGADA”, a local artist and designer who lives in Yerucham who is brining
To end the day, the students all joined together to eat dinner in Bedouin tents as a community.
Day Two: Leadership Tracks
On the second day, our students delved further into the principle of leadership through more guest speakers, museums, and hands-on experiences. They chose between the Tel Aviv, Jerusalem, and Neot Kedumim tracks.
The Tel Aviv track began their day with a speech from Lipaz Ella, a leader who started a group called “Minyan”, which provided a religious aspect to the lives of people who struggled with connecting to their religious identities. She shared her story about how she managed to persevere through the events of the war and continue to bring others together through Judaism.
Two of the tracks visited museums to observe how important historical leaders Yitzchak Rabin and Theodore Herzl played major roles in Israel’s existence and prosperity.
The Neot Kedumim group were taught how to herd sheep, how to shoot bows and arrows, and were taught about Biblical leadership.