We are thrilled to announce a wonderful new partnership with Portland State University which offers participants in all of the Aardvark Israel Program the opportunity to earn college credits from PSU for their courses taken in Israel.
Over the last 12 years, Aardvark Israel has enjoyed an incredibly productive and positive relationship with the American Jewish University. Close to a thousand students have benefited from this partnership by receiving college credit for the courses they successfully completed on our program. After a comprehensive look at the operations at the university, the leadership of the AJU decided to close their undergraduate college which necessitates the end of our partnership with them as well.
Starting Fall 2022, our new academic partner will be Portland State University, a large, diverse, and innovative public research university that is recognized nationwide in the United States. Students will be offered the same courses, taught by the same dynamic instructors, as previously on our program, with instruction both inside the classroom and all over Israel through educational field trips. Additionally, with PSU we have the opportunity to expand our course offerings in the future as well.
Students choosing to take courses on Aardvark Israel as a part of this partnership will receive a transcript from PSU which they may submit to the university at which they choose to continue their studies and request transfer credit towards their degree.