gap year in israel

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My name is Joshua Kanarek, more commonly known as Aussie Josh within the communities. I’m from Melbourne Australia and went to Bialik College.

I chose to do a Gap Year as I wanted to give myself time away from studying after year 12, whilst being able to explore Israel and the wider world. When I came across Aardvark Israel it seemed like the perfect program, offering the ability to explore and experience Israeli culture whilst living independently.

I just finished my volunteering for Magen David Adom after 5 weeks of volunteering and a prior 10 day intensive training course. Having worked on the ambulance for 5 weeks I had worked 170+ hours, seeing and assisting in many emergency calls, regardless of their severity. Over my time volunteering for MADA I saw more of Israeli society and culture than I ever could have otherwise, and wouldn’t take it back for the world.

After Aardvark I plan on working at an American summer camp for a few months and travelling the US, before finally studying Biomedicine at Monash University with the aim at ultimately studying Medicine.

Fun fact: This gap year is my first time ever leaving Austaralia.

Joshua kanarek