gap year in israel
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Happy New Year!

2021 will be a new year with new experiences surrounded by new friends! Whether you are sitting outside with your best friends drinking coffee, laughing the nights away, seeing Israel through interactive activities and tours, exploring Tel Aviv and Jerusalem with your own two feet, gathering life experience through internships, or whatever you can imagine, Aardvark Israel will be here to provide you with it all and we cannot wait to welcome you!

Let’s take a look back at the unique semester of Fall 2020!

Aardvark Israel Program Options

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Tech Track

Coding Course? Check! Internships in Hi-Tech? Got it! A month-long Hackathon? Cool! Weekly Tech Tours and exploring Israel? Yes and yes! All this is part of Big Idea @ Aardvark Israel, to help you gain your first work experience in the Start-Up Nation, network with Israeli Hi-tech developers and entrepreneurs, and enjoy a gap year/semester experience traveling Israel, taking academic classes, and living in Tel Aviv and/or Jerusalem!
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Year of Service

Aardvark Israel’s NEWEST program is coming to Haifa! Year of Service is tailored to enable young Jewish adults to enlist in a long-term volunteer program, strengthening their connection to Israel, reflecting on their Jewish identity, and gaining their own first-hand, unfiltered insight into Israeli society.
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Pioneer Program

Are you looking for a way to connect with the land of Israel and with Israelis your age? Check out our NEW program! Together with HaShomer HaChadash, our Pioneer Israel Program will have you working and building the Land of Israel during your Gap Year!
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Sea to Sea Hike with Josh Hartuv

Led by Josh Hartuv, one of our favorite Aardvark Israel tour guides, this tour will lead you from Sea to Sea in the beautiful north of Israel – from the Mediterranean to the Sea of the Galilee. Hiking in the small but diverse landscape of Israel is a true Israeli cultural experience in which every rock, tree, and path may have a name and a story that goes back thousands of years. This virtual trek is our backdrop for exploring sites, both ancient and modern, which had a lasting impact on the north and the rest of Israel.

Hear from our students:

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10 of the Most Beautiful Buildings in Jerusalem

Jerusalem is full of beautiful buildings — everywhere you walk, both old and new, religious and secular, ancient and modern. While everyone has their favorites, Danya Belkin, ISRAEL21c intern and current Aardvark Israel student, chose these ten to represent a variety of unique structures from different eras.
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Grateful for a Gap Year

Judah planned to start his freshman year of college in Fall 2020; due to COVID-19, he opted to come on Aardvark Israel and volunteer with Magen David Adom. Read more about Judah’s story and what it’s been like volunteering on an ambulance in Israel with Magen David Adom during a pandemic.
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

18 Outdoor Workout Spots Keeping Israelis Fit During Covid

With gyms and indoor fitness classes closed, Israelis have had to look outwards for new spots to stay fit. Here are 18 ways that Israelis have evolved their workout routines in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem, written and photographed by our ISRAEL21c student interns Danya Belkin and Tess Levy.