gap year in israel
A tour of yad vashem

Shalom Parents and Students!

We are back from our Passover vacation! Did you miss us? Because we sure missed everyone 🙂 Our students have returned, and are back in their internship and volunteering routines. Want to see what our students have been up to since they got back? Scroll down >>

Year program students in the city of david
Year Program students in the City of David
On the way to the city of david
On the way to the City of David

As we approach Israel’s National Memorial Days, our students commemorated Yom HaShoah (Holocaust Memorial Day) this week. On Tuesday some of our students visited the Yad Vashem Museum and experienced the unique influence of Yad Vashem on our collective memory. The following day, the students in Tel Aviv participated in a local ceremony where they heard testimonies and lit candles in memory of the victims of the Holocaust. On Thursday, students reflected silently during the Yom HaShoah siren, and the Madrichim led special meetings for Yom HaShoah.

On Tuesday our year program students visited the City of David in Jerusalem. They learned about the history of the city, and the magnificent archeological site, and they walked through its tunnels. Both the year and semester students rejoined after their different tours for a tasty lunch at Machane Yehuda Market!

Tel aviv students' tuesday tiyul
Tel Aviv students' Tuesday Tiyul
Anyone said mimouna?!
Rothschild students in the holiday Mimuna spirit!
For the rest of the week, our students engaged in fun, lighter activities, such as MImuna, which is a feast that is traditionally celebrated by Morrocan Jews all across the country at the end of Pesach.
Touring the city of david
Touring the City of David
Levontin students at the beach
Levontin students at the beach

Behold, it’s our Spotlight over internships and volunteering! This time, we bring you Adam Grossman, from London, UK, interning for iAngels: “I am interning at iAngels, a venture capital firm in Tel Aviv. I chose this internship because I have always had an interest in finance and I am studying economics next year at university. I do really interesting work with the investments team and I have learnt so many skills that I can transfer not just to this industry, but to roles wherever I work in the future!”

Adam grossman, from london, uk, interning for iangels

We wish you all a great, restful Shabbat!

This weekend, we will be participating in a Shabbaton in partnership with Mechinat Amichai, so all staff will be on call but with limited access, as we will be participating in the full program schedule.