gap year in israel

Check out our social media to see what our students have been up to this past week!

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Shalom Parents and Students!

This is it, this is the last newsletter of the semester! And we are sure you are sad as we are, but at the same time, proud of our students for their great accomplishments, and excited for the new adventures to come. How did the last week of the semester look, you ask? Well, we are here to show you for the very last time! Scroll down now to read it all

Masa year of service students at their closing activity
Masa Year of Service students at their closing activity
Jerusalem students at the big oscar night!
Jerusalem students at the big Oscar night!

This week was all about closures and last goodbyes. Our students finished their internships and volunteering, and were busy packing and getting ready for their next adventures. Our Jerusalem community held its own Oscar night, where students got prizes for being the best at something.
Florentin community had a final, emotional ceremony, which also included an Oscar night, and a karaoke activity!

Tal, one of our Florentin madrichot, organized a very special activity with her students. Her students got together and read letters they had written to themselves at the beginning of the semester. The letters had wishes and aspirations for the semester. Later, they received letters from Tal and from their parents. Lastly, each one wrote something to a group member, about how he or she inspired them, followed by a special activity for Hanukkah. Tal made each student a branded, unique bag to remind them of the experiences they went through together.

Remember our Mensches from the last overnight? So, we proudly announce three new Mensches from Florentin community! Alexa Macier, Ryan Belzycki, and Tamar Franbuch!

Florentin group activity
Florentin group activity
Tal's girls with their new bags!
Tal's girls with their new bags!
A closer look
A closer look
Talking about emotional occasions, our lovely Anna from the Jerusalem community celebrated her Bat Mitzvah here in Israel. Anna thought of doing the ceremony in the most special way, connecting to Judaism, and chose to include her friends from her community and her family who came to Israel to be with her. Avi Rose, one of our teachers, hosted the ceremony and it ended in Cafe Liba, where Anna interned this past semester. Mazal Tov, Anna!
Anna celebrates her bat mitzvah with the jerusalem community
Anna celebrates her Bat Mitzvah with the Jerusalem community
Anna and gali
Anna and Gali

It has been a pleasure writing to you every week, documenting our students’ adventures and milestones, in the process of learning more about themselves, getting to know Israeli society and being part of it, and diving deep into their journey with their Jewish identity.

We look forward to seeing you in Israel in the future and would love for you to stay in touch. Thank you for being our devoted readers, and to the participants coming back next semester – see you on January 10th!


Next semester, the weekly newsletters will be replaced by community WhatsApp groups, for your convenience.

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael