gap year in israel
Kotel - western wall

Shalom Parents and Students!

Wow, Purim was crazy! But it’s behind us now, and our students are back to their regular routine. This week, the rain and cold weather are back in Israel, which is very irregular (we would normally be at the beach by now!) but the cold weather didn’t seem to bother our students or keep them up from traveling and visiting Israel’s most special places. Where were they this week, you ask? Scroll down to find out >>

Emma and orr from levontin enjoying a traditional druze experience!
Emma and Orr from Levontin enjoying a traditional Druze experience!
Safy from florentin community in nachal og
Safy from Florentin community in Nachal Og

Our Levontin community traveled to Nachal Alon in Mount Carmel. They enjoyed the beautiful hike, located in an area called Little Switzerland, up north. This hike is full of evergreen trees and small ponds, and it was perfect for this time of year when it’s not too hot, and Spring is just around the corner. They finished the hike in Nachal Oren, and continued to Daliyat Al Karmel, a Druze town, where they received traditional hospitality and heard from locals about the life of the Druze community in Israel. Emma and Orr even got to try on some traditional clothes!

Students from our Florentin community traveled to Qasr Al-Yahud, the western section of the traditional site of the baptism of Jesus, by the Jordan River. It is believed to be where the people of Israel crossed on their way to the land of Canaan. Our students continued to Nachal Og Canyon, where they hiked in the beautiful (and pretty warm) desert.

The Jerusalem community went on a very unique trip, followed by a surprsing meeting; they started their day at Me’arat Ha’machpela (The Cave of Patriarchs). They toured the Jewish side of Hebron where they met Mordecai, a member of the local Jewish community in Hebron, and met Muhammad, a member of Fatah, the largest faction of the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Then, they heard from a member of the Knesset (the Israeli parliament) Sharren Haskel, about her connection to Hebron and the importance of the Jewish residence in this place.

Rothschild community students traveled to Jerusalem and toured the Old City, where they visited the Kotel (Western Wall) After that, they grabbed lunch in Machne Yehuda market. Honestly, who can say no to the fresh food of the Shuk?!

Jerusalem students in hebron!
Jerusalem students in Hebron!
Mk sharren haskel in an open conversation with our jerusalem community
MK Sharren Haskel in an open conversation with our Jerusalem community
This week, our Selah students learned about mechirat chametz – the sale of chametz (leavened products), for Passover; a lesson on the development of Jewish law, and the work of rabbis to ease restrictions fo observant Jews. Then they visited the Muza (muse) Israel Museum in Ramat Aviv (Tel Aviv) to see ancient and modern cultural artifacts along with photos of Israel.
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael
Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael
Last but definitely not least >> watch this video of Elliot Kupchik from our Big Idea tech track, interning for Bridgify, after taking the skills he acquired during the coding course and Impact Month 😊 Click on the image to see how his day looks.