gap year in israel

Check out our social media to see what our students have been up to this past week!

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael
Shalom Parents and Students! 
It’s the middle of the Chagim season here in Israel and we can feel it in the air. Business is slowing down and the temperatures are dropping; our students celebrated Sukkot with the four species inside the Sukkot our students built in Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. 
This week, our Selah students traveled to Hof Dor, one of the most beautiful beaches in Israel. They went snorkeling for the hilazon (snail) and learned about the process of making tekhelet dye. They also found out how the dye was rediscovered and experienced a demonstration of the wool dyeing process. The Torah says that tzitzit should have a blue string, but the source and process how to make that special blue dye was lost for 1300 years. Based on archaeological evidence and chemical analysis, experts believe that they have rediscovered the snails that produce the dye, which used to be one of the most expensive commodities in ancient times. Snorkeling and learning about Judaism at the same time? We’re sold! 
Found anything, ladies?
Found anything, ladies?
Joshua reciting a blessing with the four species
Joshua reciting a blessing with the four species
Also this week, some of our students have officaily started their internships! Esther Rahmane from Mexico wrote about her experience: “I’m working on a marketing company called M.B.Z, that helps small businesses and clients run all of their social media platforms so that they can have a bigger impact. I help research and come up with ideas that fit each company’s brand. I really enjoy interning there, and I believe that this opportunity will help me get the tools that I will need later in life”.
Mia, ilana, and eliana on the first day of their internship
Mia, Ilana, and Eliana on the first day of their internship
Good luck, girls!
Good luck, girls!
On Thursday, our Jerusalem students visited the Hebrew Music Museum, learned about modern and ancient instruments in the Jewish culture, envisioned the temple through VR glasses, and even played a few instruments themselves!
Give it a try, alex!
Give it a try, Alex!
Can you name that instrument?
Can you name that instrument?
Next week, we will celebrate Shmini Atzeret/Simchat Torah, and then we’ll dive into our weekly routine of Internships, classes, trips, and volunteering. 
Have a great holiday!Â