My name is Benji Miller, and I’ve been on Aardvark Israel for nearly 3 months. Along with learning Hebrew in Ulpan, I’ve been interning at a music tech startup, ‘MyPart’ where I help with marketing, allowing me to combine my interests in music and economics. All the tiyuls (trips) have been great, especially the overnight trips, where you can meet locals, joke around and make fun memories!
I chose to do a gap year after many months of indecisiveness. What eventually made me do it was the desire to do something different – not go straight to university and start working again but have a chance to explore myself, and what I want in life, make memories, and meet different kinds of people, from all over the world. I chose Aardvark simply for the balance of structure to freedom it provides. There is a range of classes and activities but truly living independently in Tel Aviv comes from the freedom we have during most nights and weekends, meaning you can really make the most of your time here.
From my time in the program, I’ve gained so much more independence, it’s really taught me how to make the most of living as a student. But I’d say the main positive is undoubtedly the friends I’ve made and the experiences we’ve had, whether it’s just chilling in our apartments, or going to concerts, and beaches – so much goes on in Tel Aviv, yet at the same time, you can always have more calm times in the Aardvark apartments.
I would definitely recommend others to do the program, we’re never going to be 18 again! University will be great as well, but you can always go next year. It’s a chance to really test yourself out in a new setting, learn, improve and have fun.