gap year in israel

Available for 2024-2025

Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

SepT – Dec

Aardvark Israel
Culinary Course

VENUE: Teamim College, Rehov Agrippas, Jerusalem




Introduction - hygiene safety and rules:

Part I

Acquaintance and coordination of expectations.

Safety and work rules in the kitchen, cleanliness and hygiene and professional rules of conduct.

Part II

Cutting and chopping vegetables, basic cuts:

Julienne, Amansa, Chiffonade, Brunoise

Hard and soft vegetables, cutting as a flavor component, the importance of “Mise en place”

Preparation of Italian dough and dips.


Vegetable cutting and “Mise en place

Continue cutting shapes:

Betont, Chateau, Parisian, Pom Torna

Different cooking methods: stir-frying, baking, frying


Familiarity with the various kitchen utensils and the various cooking techniques

Tools for the home and institutional kitchen, introduction to knives and sharpening, cutting accessories, mixers, oven and gas, pans, pots, and various cooking techniques


The Importance of stocks:

The use of stock as a flavor driver, preliminary preparations, medicinal herbs, boca grani, combinations, preservation, shelf life

  • Chicken stock
  • Brown chicken stock
  • Vegetable stock
  • Beef stock


Soups 1

  •  Clear soups, consommé
  •  Processed and creamed soups

Soups 2

  •  Vegetable and Legume soups
  •  Meat soups
  •  Hot and cold soups
  •  Soup decorations



  •  Emulsions
  •  Fatty sauces
  •  Stocky sauces
  •  Wine sauces, creamy sauces
  •  Vinaigrette
  •  Saving sauces and using them
  •  Decorations and textures


Spices and Herbs

Studying the different spices, basic spices, aromatic spices, spice compounds,

Culinary tour in Mahane Yehuda market.

  •  Head to the store
  •  Garam Masala
  •  Cajun and Curry
  •  Dry herbs
  •  Means of use
  •  Storage, shelf life


Meats 1

  •  Explain the different cuts of meat
  •  Selection and preservation of the different cuts of meat
  •  Styles of cutting and cooking the different cuts of meat
  •  Parts for long cooking
  •  Preparation of beef casserole

Meats 2

  •  Continue theoretical explanation about the different cuts of meat
  •  Parts for short cooking
  •  Work with entrecote

Meats 3

  • Making a hamburger kit
  • Double meat sinia
  • Beef jerky


Poultry 1

Cutting up the chicken, roasting and sautéing poultry

  •  Treatment of a whole chicken.
  •  Roasted chicken filling
  •  Sauteed chicken breast
  •  Chicken wings in different sauces
  •  Different cuts of chicken
  • Selected chicken recipes: classic and modern

Poultry 2

Application of classic and modern recipes


Fish 1

Choosing fresh fish in the Mahane Yehuda market,

The hallmarks of fresh fish

Cutting up, skinning and filleting the fish - different methods for proper cooking: grilling/frying/grilling/ceviche, etc.

 Fatty fish versus lean fish

 Saltwater fish and freshwater fish

  Fish stock

Fish 2

  •  Baked, fried and steamed fish
  •  Selected sauces for fish
  •  Fish patties in different styles


Side Dishes


  •  Treatment of hard vegetables versus soft vegetables
  •  Pom Duchas/Pom Anna/Pom Crockett
  •  Classic fries
  •  Cooking greens
  •  French mashed potatoes

Sides B:


  •  What is rice? Different cooking techniques
  •  Rice pilaf/risotto/meatballs
  •  Fashionable grains and their treatment
  •  Working with bulgur
  •  Lentils versus beans
  •  Quinoa, is it a grain?

Sides C:


  •  Fresh pasta versus bought pasta
  •  Flours for making pasta
  •  Preparation of dough for fresh pasta
  •  Egg yolk pasta dough
  •  Colored pasta
  •  Italian pasta versus noodles



• Lecture on sanitation

• Professional kitchen tour


Yeast doughs

• Use of fresh yeast versus dry yeast (rules and techniques),

• Preparation of yeast dough for focaccia, pizza, pita



• Use of different types of flour

• Spelt bread

• whole wheat bread

• Challot


Desserts 1

  •  Tartlets
  •  Profiteroles filled with pastry cream
  •  Classic dessert sauces: crème anglaise, ganache, berry coulis
  •  Designed layered desserts
  •  Correct construction of a dessert: plating and serving

Desserts 2

  • Storage and validity
  • Cup desserts
  • Crème brûlée
  • meringue
  • Personal desserts


Eggs and salads

  •  Treatment of eggs
  •  Poached egg,
  •  Pickled quail eggs
  •  Hot and cold salads
  •  Salad as a main dish
  •  Toppings for salad


Buffet and Tapas

  •  Importance of fresh and seasonal raw materials
  •  Buffet table
  •  Tapas and finger food
  •  The design of the hospitality tables


Israeli hospitality platters and canapés


Carving and fruit and vegetable decorations

• Principles of combining fruits and vegetables

• Maintaining freshness

• Nutritional values

• Making fruit and vegetable decorations

• Fruit platter design


Building a menu and its implementation

  •  Portion weight
  •  Diversity in raw materials
  •  Calorically balanced menu
  •  Emphasis on different nutritional values
  •  Food Cost calculation
  •  Preparation of a practical menu


Theory test & Practical test

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