gap year in israel

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Gap year in israel - aardvarkisrael

Internship in a Gap Year

A gap year internship can be an incredible opportunity for young adults between the ages of 18 and 22 to gain valuable experience and grow both personally and professionally. It allows them to step out of their comfort zone and navigate the modern 9-5 work life while immersing themselves in ...
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Student of the Week – Arielle

Hi, my name is Arielle and I’m from London, England. I chose to do Aardvark because I always knew I wanted to spend a year in Israel before going to university. I am half Israeli but through living in London I never felt like I was fully in touch with ...
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Guy starr

Student of the Week – Guy Starr

My name is Guy Starr, I’m from San Diego, California. I chose to do a gap semester because my whole life I’ve come to Israel as a tourist and I really wanted to experience what life was like living in Israel. I chose Aardvark because it gave me the freedom ...
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Tevel matas

Student of the Week – Tevel Matas

I came to Aardvark through a happy accident. Originally I was going to join a different program, but when that fell through I found Aardvark. I appreciated how flexible and straight forward Aardvark was. The process to apply was easy and there were lots of people to help me on ...
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Tips for choosing the perfect gap year destination

Tips For Choosing the Perfect Gap Year Destination

So, you’re thinking about taking a gap year and exploring the world? That’s awesome! Choosing the perfect destination for your gap year can be an exciting yet daunting task. But don’t worry, I’m here to help you out. One popular destination that you might want to consider is Israel. It’s ...
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Roey leshem

Student of the Week – Roey Leshsem

Hi, my name is Roey Leshem and I’m from Boston, Massachusetts. I am half Israeli but my whole life I’ve seen Israel through the lens of an outsider. Anytime I visited it was as a vacation. I wanted to know what it would be like to truly live in Israel. ...
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Lili dagan

Student of the Week – Lili Dagan

My name is Lili Dagan and I’m from South Florida and graduated from American Heritage High School in Delray Beach. I stayed connected to Israel and its culture through Israeli Scouts Tzofim. I volunteered as a counselor there for four years passing on my knowledge and love for Israel to ...
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Fall semester summary

Fall Semester in Israel

Hey there! Are you considering spending your fall semester in Israel? Well, you’re in for an incredible experience! From the bustling streets of Tel Aviv to the historic sites of Jerusalem, Israel has so much to offer. Many students choose to take a gap year in Israel and immerse themselves ...
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Parshat ki tavo

Gap Year in Israel

Thinking about taking a gap year in Israel? Well, you’re in for an incredible adventure! Whether you’re considering spending the fall semester or an extended period of time, Israel offers a unique and enriching experience. Tel Aviv and Jerusalem are two must-visit cities during your gap year in Israel. Tel ...
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Chanukah in israel

Chanukah in Israel

Chanukah in Israel is an exciting time, especially for those participating in a gap year program. It’s a holiday filled with joy, tradition, and of course, delicious food. One of the highlights of Chanukah in Israel is lighting the chanukiah, a special menorah used during this holiday. Each night, an ...
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Parshat Noach

Friends, there is something incredible in this week’s Torah portion of Noach. Prior to the flood, the Torah relates, “Now the earth was corrupt before God, and the earth became full of violence [Literally: Hamas]” (Genesis 6:11). We know what happens next; G-d sends a great flood and commands Noach ...
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Parshat bereshit

Parshat Bereshit

We are currently in one of the most trying periods in our national history. We’ve experienced unimaginable darkness and devastation. How do we respond in such situations? We are the people of the Book. When we seek clarity we need look no further than the Book; our holy Torah. This ...
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Shabbat simchat torah

Shabbat Simchat Torah

Once upon a time there was a king with an only daughter. As she reached marriageable age, the king sought a prince to wed his daughter. The greatest princes came for her hand but she turned everyone down. Fed up, the king decided the next person to ask would merit ...
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Rachel kitaygorodsky

Student of the Week – Rachel Kitaygorodsky

My name is Rachel Kitaygorodsky, I’m originally from New York and I went to high school in South Florida at Marjory Stoneman Douglas. I chose to go on a gap year because I felt as though it would be an amazing and unique challenge that I would not get to ...
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Sukkot dvar torah

Sukkot Dvar Torah

A revered philosopher once came to visit Rabbi Israel Baal Shem Tov. The philosopher asked, “Rabbi what does it feel like to have bitachon (faith or confidence) in G-d?” The Baal Shem Tov responded, “What is it to you?” The philosopher began expounding upon the idea with a lengthy discourse. ...
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Schlomi asarja soussan

Student of the Week – Schlomi Asarja Soussan

My name is Schlomi Asarja Soussan and I am from Frankfurt, Germany. I went to the Jewish School in Frankfurt (I.E. Lichtigfeldschule) I wanted to go on a Gap Year because I was quite young when finishing school and wanted to enhance my skills, as well as get to know ...
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Yom kippur

Yom Kippur

A young man grew up in a very small and secluded village. He longed to journey beyond his village and see new places. After years of saving money, he managed to accumulate enough money to leave the village. With excitement, he took off to a neighboring town. Upon arrival, he ...
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Noa el bez

Student of the Week – Noa El Bez

My name is Noa El Bez, from Geneva, Switzerland. I recently graduated from the International School of Geneva. Instead of rushing into college, I chose to do a gap year to know more about who I am. What are my strengths and my weaknesses? My decision to join Aardvark Israel ...
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Shana tova from aardvark israel

Shana Tova from Aardvark Israel

Shalom Parents, Students, Partners, and Staff, It’s the final countdown! In less than a month our fall semester students will arrive, and a new semester begins. We can’t wait, can you? But right now, our Plus Program students are still in America! Corey, Shoham, Dani, and Eden at Cedar Lake ...
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Rosh hashana dvar torah

Rosh HaShana Dvar Torah

The animals of the jungle were crippled with fear. Word had spread like wildfire to every corner of the jungle that the king of the jungle, the mighty lion, was furious at the animals. Every one of them worried for their lives. They convened an emergency meeting to discuss what ...
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